Adding writers is a great way to bring more fresh and diverse content to your blog.

Whether you’re running a small business or a large magazine publication, add multiple writers to grow your content and keep it fresh and diversified.
You know what they say, content is king so bringing more contributing voices to the topic at hand is an effective way of turning your blog into a thriving online community.
You can turn any existing member into a writer for your blog and manage them. Writers can create new posts and manage their comments.
Here’s how to do it:
Head to your Member’s Page
Search the member you want to make a writer
Click on the member’s profile
Click the 3 dot icon on the Follow button
Select Set as Writer

I am one of the ignorant ones that took the first vaccine injection of Pfizer . After some research more reading more questions, I realised the poisons that is in the Covid 19 (military code name, Covid IA) vaccine. Could not believe it, but is is the case. The content of the vaccine, was not disclosed fully / experimental injection, you somehow trust the whole system, as you to busy with life, working paying bills etc., and then you realize by what is meant, Ignorance will kill you. You are taking this poison injection into your body. Your body is your temple. Spirit lives in you Heart. In Your body, in your Temple, and this vaccine, attacks your Temple.